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I.Q. FOR THE ARMY Fall out for laugh

A draft officer was asked: "How do you determine in the Army that your draftees are intelligent enough for service?" "When the man appears for the examination at the draft board we usually ask him one clever question only." "What question?" "We ask him: How long did the Thirty Year War last'?" "And what?" "Now we have to think of an easier one- most of the examinees fail to answer."

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MAIN REASON Fall out for laugh

A candidate for assignment to command a ship in the Navy had to present his reasons for being able to hold his post to a board of examiners in navigation. "Sir, I would make every effort not to let my ship sink because there'd be a board of inquiry to face; I'd lose my command, perhaps any chance of further promotion, and my personal effects; and, worst of all, I can't swim."

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A LUCKY MAN Fall out for laugh

An officer was passed by a soldier who didn't salute. Determined to stand on the authority of his rank the officer shouted: "You there - do you see this uniform I am wearing?" The soldier looked him up and down and said: "You are lucky, sir, look at the thing they gave me."

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SWIFTER Fall out for laugh

The hostess entertains a pilot with gossips. Then one asks: "Is it true that planes fly faster than sounds nowadays?" "Moreover, they will soon fly faster than gossips." - transport przeprowadzki białystok -

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Two Marsians with their many tentacles around their  bodies, the first to land on Earth, were very excited as they stepped out of their spaceship near a big town. Pointing to the TV aerials on almost every house, one happily said: "Look - girls!" - transport białystok -

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ONE MAN SHOW Fall out for laugh

Captain Blaine decided to boost the morale of his company. After he gave his men a pep talk he cried:"Forward!" and charged. After he had covered about fifty yards he looked back and found he was absolutely alone. Not oneof his men moved a muscle. They sat contentedly, and whenthey saw him regarding them, they applauded vigorously and cried: "Bravo! Bravo!"   - przeprowadzka białystok -

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SAFE Fall out for laugh

It was the immunization day in the unit. A soldier saw the unit dog mascot ferociously attacking the new medical doctor. "No fear, doc," he exclaimed. "The dog has been vaccinated all right!"

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ONCE AGAIN Fall out for laugh

A soldier went into the Army recruiting office. "What's the matter, soldier?" the recruiting officer asked him. "You see, I heard a month ago you talking about that wonderful service and life in the Army. I was so enthralled that I got enlistment. Would you mind telling me all that again because I started hating the Army, sir!"

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OPPORTUNITY Fall out for laugh

During mountain training an instructor in mountain warfare techniques gave the following warning to his charges: "Be careful not to fall here - it's dangerous. But if you do fall, remember to look to the left - you get a wonderful opportunity for observing some dead spaces where the enemy may be."

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EASIER LIFE Fall out for laugh

It was a painful hour of physical training crowded with jumping, pull-ups, climbing, weight carrying, etc. At last Private Hargreaves exclaimed: "I think I better become a spaceman." "Why?" "It'll be much easier to do all these exercises on the Moon."

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LANGUAGE OF TIMES Fall out for laugh

His little boy was looking through a news-paper. "Daddy," he asked, "do you remember you told me mushrooms were a nice thing?" "Yes, what of it?" "Well, look at this one," said the little boy, pointing at a photo in the paper. That was a photo showing American H-bomb tests at Bikini.

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LIFE AND FICTION Fall out for laugh

  An Army truck driver was racing down a highway through the Arisona desert when he saw a living human skeleton who was crawling to the highway mutely gesticulating for help.   The driver remarked: "Yes, I see another Western being shot by Hollywood. Those soldiers at the time were really picturesque characters!"

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